Sunday, August 5, 2012

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Abnormal sultry August in Beijing,oakley black friday oakley cyber monday ray ban black friday 2015 ray ban cyber monday oakley black friday deals oakley cyber monday, the weather, the sky not a cloud, and how hot baking the earth, tortured creatures on the earth at this time, the Forbidden City is deserted, visitors will not at this time to the Forbidden City, at least, in air-conditioned hotels, shopping malls, stood in the scorching hot the influence is much more comfortable than in
oakley not so lucky, get a diploma has been more than a month, and the school Sipilailian more than dawdle over a month now, he had to consider their own future a few days, the newborn is necessary for admission, he can no longer rely on in the school do not go before that then have to find a job!
To talk about work, oakley a smile and distress, he had no other ideas. From the senior next semester, six months, production resumes spent more than 30 exemption had three or four , but a successful, most of the time, I hope to be nipped in the initial stages of the very few times has been made, and also the next competition was eliminated.
This year, in order to stay in Beijing is difficult, an undergraduate in order to stay in Beijing more difficult oakley sighed, watching the majestic Forbidden City, the heart to resent this! Do, studying hard 16 years, even four years of college did not learn much about substantive things, do not find a job?
God, you fucking unfair oakley heart cursed one, the sinister head Lieyang immediately took him to a trace just rose ambitions devoid out. God is unfair but also how?
Yes ah, God is not fair, but also how what? Oakley smile together, originally thought of the Forbidden City erected to confidence, but now it seems, the effect is not very good, at least, he picked the wrong time.
No one noticed the strange behavior of young people, and no one would care about a young man think the world Taileng Mo, and lack of sympathy, oakley do not care, he cares about what they could in September before the start of the school, find a job for himself, as he can in this world to continue to survive!
oakley is not the kind among the children, not even the children of wealthy families. That year, he is also reluctantly admitted to the general undergraduate college, four years down the textbook knowledge did not learn much, he will be more much energy spent on not learned four years down to provide more than 30 major homework, he hung fourteen, of which eight make-up, four rebuilt, there are two rebuilt twice, he got a diploma. but four did not, and did not get the degree certificate!
Obviously, oakley is not a good student, in fact, in high school, he was a good student, but also a very good student when he lived for nineteen years that small county to catch the train, came to the capital when he confused. more accurate, he lost.

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